
A mural in Doorn (NL)

This wall is 240 high and 325 wide in a room where people live and work.
Subject: something natural, landscape. Soothing to watch.

I have offered 4 designs to choose from.
The chosen design is the 3rd, at the bottom left.
In large, I opted for lighter colors.
Then 2 layers of transparent floor varnish were applied to protect the painting.

muurschildering werk in opdracht - mural  work on assignment - malerei kommissionen - beautiful inks - tineke bosselaar

muurschildering werk in opdracht - mural  work on assignment - malerei kommissionen - beautiful inks - tineke bosselaar
muurschildering werk in opdracht - mural  work on assignment - malerei kommissionen - beautiful inks - tineke bosselaar
muurschildering werk in opdracht - mural  work on assignment - malerei kommissionen - beautiful inks - tineke bosselaar